Tuesday, September 22, 2009

daughters of the american revolution

washington crossing the delaware by emanuel leutze

my favorite time in history to study is the american revolution. every day people pushed to their limits, stepping up for something bigger than them. setting aside the comforts and conveniences of the lives they were used to living, and willingly sacrificing their lives for more. they were truly underdogs. these rebel farmers with pitchforks and outdated weapons standing their ground against legions of trained british soldiers.

i just find it highly romantic.

as a child, i've heard before that my paternal grandmother was a member of an elite club called the daughters of the american revolution. to be in this organization, you must have an ancestor who fought in or contributed meaningfully to the revolutionary war. they have lists of names and your ancestor's name must match up. and you have to prove your relation with heavy-duty genealogy like birth, death, immigration, marriage certificates and the like. oh, and it's only for women.

so i contacted dar today to start the process of my membership. it could take months for me to make all these connections, but hopefully they will have my grandmother's name on file and i won't have to do as much work.

i am thrilled at the prospect of being a part of this important and special organization. i am hoping to keep alive the stories and the courage and patriotism of my ancestors who put freedom before comfort and liberty before life.

take this challenge - and it's a major challenge - and go through your family history and genealogical records. if you have an ancestor who lived in the colonies during the late 1700's, chances are, you could be eligible for membership in this great organization. let me know if you're up for the challenge - we can research together!

what a fantastic legacy to take part in!


Liz Smith said...

aww...how i heart America. well, my mom is from mexico, and my dad is from Peru, so i highly doubt i have revolutionary war ancestors. :) kinda goes hand in hand with having no pioneer heritage. oh well. i did however receive the a Daughters of the American Revolution award in 8th grade (until now, i wasnt sure how cool of a group they really are)...does that make me cool? :P

p.s. i like your little blurb after the leave your comment thing. i'll admit, if you get me raging mad, i prolly wont comment...you dont know raging mad until you get me in a heated political debate....lol.

Amy said...

You are awesome! I love this new blog. Latley I've been reading through the constitution section by section and writing in my own words what it means (like I had to do in High School) I feel such a respect for our fore-fathers. I hate (Hate is a strong word, that I don't use often) how these days it seems that politicians are more concerned about the next election than the concerns of our nation. I Hate that I can't trust those who are suppose to be leading our Cities, States, and Nation. Thanks for your blog.